10 September 2016

Making Space
Digest what was
Just letting Go
Letting go of Searching
it's All about 

  Just BE

Top to Bottem - Bottem to Top




Today we will talk about Trust.

Trust is Core-Essence.
Trust lies at the basis of everything Human-connected, Earth-connected.
Trust will give you Inner Wisdom, true Power, Knowledge and Strength to BE WHO YOU ARE on Earth in a human vessel, a physical body as you call it.
Trust gives you tools with which to shine, with which to send out and use your Love & Light during your times on Earth as human beings,
because it is Trust, which connects you to your Inner Soul, our Oneness, Home.
In Trust lies your answer to all the questions you have.
Trust is a ground principle, a grounding tool.
To Trust you need to surrender to the flow of Love, of believing in your own Inner Power of being just perfect as you ARE, with all your imperfect parts of yourself, 

without judgement, regardless of what they are.
You are fully as you choose to be, to be able to live and learn in this lifetime the contracts you made before leaving Home, so you can take back Home to us all those experiences, those gifts of learning to be a Human, living as a Soul in a Human Body.
To complete the overall window here of fully conscious living in Pureness of Being Love & Light Energy.

Many of us do not visit Earth, because of a lot of reasons, tasks, agreements.
But for all Energy to be complete, fulfilled, One, all Energyforms need to feel, experience, know the fullness of being Conscious in Love & Light.
Your overall Lifelesson, being One with us at Home, is to bring those Lifelessons, experiences Home to All That Is.
Therefore each one of you, in a human body as a Soul, needs to find and develop Trust to surrender, open up to Energy from Home during your lifetimes, to be able to connect and flow with what is being send to you, individually and collectively, to incorporate it, 

to give it form in all different ways and manners.
It is a continuous circle of Energy.
You could see it as a flow of Energy between Home to each of you and back again to Home. It is a flow of Energy, which is always there and fulfilling our Mission. We learn from each other, we nourish each other.

To truly Trust is opening up to that continuous flow of Love, Inner Wisdom, Strength and  to the tools you carry with you inside your Innermost Being.
Those tools give you the power to spread Love & Light, Healing and Comfort to your-Self in a human Form as well as to everyone else, everything else on your planet. Be it individual or collective. It makes no difference.
Every word, gesture, every thought flows to the Energy-system, meridians, in and surrounding each human being as well as in and surrounding the planet as a whole. Uplifting everyone and everything.

There are a lot of challenges concerning Trust on your planet.
Trust is often harmed, slaughtered you could say sometimes, and needs to be rebuild, so to speak.
How do you rebuild Trust?
How do you give the right nourishment to Trust, to be able to grow and get stronger inside your-Self?
It is like drinking and eating for a human body, to be able to live, to be fit and healthy.

Every day honour your Trust in your-Self, however small it may be, just a little spot, 

a little sparkle in the depths of your Being.
Look for it, however small, and acknowledge it, honour it and give it Thanks.
Then choose one (little) thing, just one each day is enough, with which you can give your Trust a little bit of nourishment, make your Trust light up just a little. And thank it again. Be grateful to your-Self, be proud of your-Self for having done something to nourish and acknowledge your Trust in you.

Do that every day, just the way you choose, what feels good for you.
Something you like to do, however small it is, it is just right when it gives you a good feeling because you did it.
Only for you to your-Self.
When you can’t think of anything, anything at all, just light up a candle, preferably 3, and sit with it/them and ask for a way, a possibility in which you can feel Trust lightning up in your-Self.
And be grateful for it to show itself to you.
Don’t wait for it, it will come and show itself when the moment is right for you.
Do not judge your-Self.
You are more beautiful and brave as you can imagine!

Thank you for having the courage and braveness to BE who you are, in your Human Body.
Sending out and giving your Love & Light onto your planet, in your own special way.
We thank you and love you more than words can express.

Credit and Thx to Mike Posner - BE as you ARE