02 September 2016

The Third Aspect


It’s the Form that counts on your Earth, the Form that expresses ALL THAT IS, the Form that changes shape, but holds in it the Energy from Home.
The Form, to keep in mind whatever you do, express, send out and reflect, in it is the Energy of Love, of Light, of Home.

So, Form mirrors,
in Duality there is 2
in Triality there is ONE

Where do you find the missing link?
Look all the time, wherever, whatever, whoever, look for the missing link -
find it and create a Form for the link to Triality.
Balance lies in 3, although you believe it lies in 2. It doesn’t.
It’s the third aspect that binds, that connects the two’s in harmony, in Love and therefore in Light.
It’s the third aspect that brings Love, Union, Awareness in Soul and Heart, in Companionship, Connectedness, sharing of who you all really are.

We are bringing the 3 aspect to Earth.
For that to be able te exist, the 2 others - old forms - need to surface very clearly, so they are visible to you, people, in all their shapes and reactions, in extremes as well as in Love and Bonding.
For the Balance, the growth, the flow into new reality, into new Balance you all need the third aspect.

Beide polen knallen omhoog, knallen uiteen, zichtbaar.
De derde kan dan indalen en de uitgebalanceerde harmonie en verbinding doen ontstaan.
Erupties gaan hieraan vooraf. Uitbarstingen in heftigheid, die grenzen lijken te overschrijden, maar nodig zijn om een nieuwe Balans te kunnen laten indalen in de energie hier op deze planeet Aarde.

In de mens, in het individu zowel als in de wereld om jullie heen, vindt dit plaats.
In alle heftigheid en vormen.

Heling is het 3e aspect. Individueel, innerlijk en in het wereldse gebeuren.
Waar ligt de vorm, waar liggen de mogelijkheden van het steeds weer vinden van het 3e aspect?

Wat is de gemeenschappelijke deler in ELK van de situaties, die nu uitgespeeld worden op Aarde tussen mensen, religies, instanties, enz.?
En waar ligt de gemeenschappelijke deler tussen relaties op kleinere schaal, man-vrouw, ouders-kinderen, individueel innerlijk in iemand zelf?
De gemeenschappelijke deler, het element dat verbindt, het zoeken naar de ‘verbindings-vorm’, het zoeken naar een gemeenschappelijke deler in een vorm.
Dat is het 3e aspect.

Oordelen en veroordelingen maken het niet mogelijk om een vorm te geven aan het 3e aspect, met als gevolg geen heling, geen verbinding, maar een (verdere) breuk, splijting en een uit elkaar gaande beweging, een verharding, het ontstaan van ‘kampen’, die tegenover elkaar komen te liggen. Dit versterkt het dualistisch denken, het creëren van polen.

Nodig is een Helikopterblik zonder ‘attachments’, anders verschuift de energie in de huidige situatie meer naar het ‘Emotieveld’, meer naar dat deel, waar het oude ‘oordeel-denken’ kan zitten.

Het 3e aspect vraagt vrijheid van oude geloofsovertuigingen, denkpatronen, emotionele lagen, die verbonden zijn met oude energievormen, verdicht in oude angst-gedachten en -gevoelens. Dáár waar dan ook (ver)oordelen kan spelen.
Het zien en toepassen van het 3e aspect vraagt een overzicht,
een Helikopterblik om alle zijden, alle lagen van een situatie in gelijke mate te kunnen zien, zodat de openingen zichtbaar worden, vanwaaruit harmonie en verbindingen tussen de beide andere delen geplaatst kunnen worden cq kunnen ontstaan, op deze wijze Balans creërend.

No ‘attachments’. Vanuit een open, zuiver Hart, puurheid in Liefde, met een grote Hoofdletter L, kan dit gezien worden.

{Pi is de naam, die ik heb gekregen van de Energie/Ziel, die tot mij spreekt}

Who AM I - Really?!

Yes...thought about that question already?


The most easy thing to say right now is: 
“Hi there, I’m Liane, I am Dutch, but living in Germany since september 2012, I’m 56 years old, mother of a beautiful daughter, in a relationship with a beautiful man and I worked mostly with so called ‘troubled teenagers/kids’. I’m a positive, extravert woman, I like to be among friends, enjoying a good conversation and/or a good laugh, but I like it as well to be with myself. Enjoying the quiet, doing what I myself feel like doing in a certain moment, contemplating, feeling what is there to feel. I like being in the woods, reading a good book, drinking a glass of white wine or whatever else is ‘lekker’, as we say in Dutch :-)”.
And so on...

But is that what I AM?

Are those things I mentioned what lives in ME, in my Being or is it just a little part of me, walking with me my path through this life?
Is perhaps the part I show, the part I’m most familiar with, only the part I learned to get to know, because of what is supposed to be ‘normal’ and accepted here?
Couldn’t there be much more living and existing in Me, moving like energy through me, waiting for it to come out and show itself in other forms/experiences/qualities to me, whenever I’m ready and conscious enough to let it BE?
A part which is completely connected to everything else existing, to all Universal Energies, to not only people in bodies here on our Earth, but also to rocks, plants, animals, stars, lifeforms without a body-structure? Having far more possibilities and bigger potential to BE in this Universal Energy and communicate with all Life forms, experience more and in different ways as what is called ‘normal’, what it can be to Live Life to the Fullest...
As ONE connected, because everything IS ENERGY and IS. As I AM...

Ever thought about that?
I did. I did and do for 51 years.

From the age of 5 I was conscious of ME, Me being part of ALL That IS, of I AM. 
Having my first conscious One-ness experience, standing on the street alone, no one around, just me and the big blue beautiful sky...a total grand Silence around and in me and a beautiful voice talking to me, filling me with Love, Trust, Safety, not being alone here on Earth, not having to be afraid of the life I was living and going to live here, someone already somewhere out there waiting for me and that ‘They’ would always BE with me to guide and protect me.
I was filled with an overwhelming feeling of Love, Inner Happiness and Peace. 
And not surprised at all.


Practising the Art of Blogging!

 ...It must be me...making a Blog is supposed to be easy, right?!
All you Bloggers out there, I think you're amazing - building your Blog-sites, knowing how to do it!
Really, it must be me :-)
I'm having a hard time understanding everything on this really practical-down-to-earth-level, creating my Blog.
Do I sound familiar or quit the opposite?

How relaxing, comforting, known and sooó easy it is to just float around a couple of meters above the ground, feeling so light and shining, not having to worry about making a Blog functioning as it should! Or what to think of making my websites....I want 2 of them ;-)

But NO, that's not the way it works, does it?
Down to Earth, I go, firmly both of my feet on the ground, looking around and seeing my Blog still doesn't do what I want it to do!

But I'll get there, because I want to tell, share and spread my experiences, my deeper feelings, 'Knowing' I would probably call it.
Stay with me and give me some 'time'.
I have no idea how this will work out, but that's all fine with me. I do wish, that those of you, people out there, who visit my Blog, intentionally or by 'accident', enjoy reading my muzings, my writings.
