02 September 2016

Practising the Art of Blogging!

 ...It must be me...making a Blog is supposed to be easy, right?!
All you Bloggers out there, I think you're amazing - building your Blog-sites, knowing how to do it!
Really, it must be me :-)
I'm having a hard time understanding everything on this really practical-down-to-earth-level, creating my Blog.
Do I sound familiar or quit the opposite?

How relaxing, comforting, known and sooó easy it is to just float around a couple of meters above the ground, feeling so light and shining, not having to worry about making a Blog functioning as it should! Or what to think of making my websites....I want 2 of them ;-)

But NO, that's not the way it works, does it?
Down to Earth, I go, firmly both of my feet on the ground, looking around and seeing my Blog still doesn't do what I want it to do!

But I'll get there, because I want to tell, share and spread my experiences, my deeper feelings, 'Knowing' I would probably call it.
Stay with me and give me some 'time'.
I have no idea how this will work out, but that's all fine with me. I do wish, that those of you, people out there, who visit my Blog, intentionally or by 'accident', enjoy reading my muzings, my writings.


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