02 September 2016

Who AM I - Really?!

Yes...thought about that question already?


The most easy thing to say right now is: 
“Hi there, I’m Liane, I am Dutch, but living in Germany since september 2012, I’m 56 years old, mother of a beautiful daughter, in a relationship with a beautiful man and I worked mostly with so called ‘troubled teenagers/kids’. I’m a positive, extravert woman, I like to be among friends, enjoying a good conversation and/or a good laugh, but I like it as well to be with myself. Enjoying the quiet, doing what I myself feel like doing in a certain moment, contemplating, feeling what is there to feel. I like being in the woods, reading a good book, drinking a glass of white wine or whatever else is ‘lekker’, as we say in Dutch :-)”.
And so on...

But is that what I AM?

Are those things I mentioned what lives in ME, in my Being or is it just a little part of me, walking with me my path through this life?
Is perhaps the part I show, the part I’m most familiar with, only the part I learned to get to know, because of what is supposed to be ‘normal’ and accepted here?
Couldn’t there be much more living and existing in Me, moving like energy through me, waiting for it to come out and show itself in other forms/experiences/qualities to me, whenever I’m ready and conscious enough to let it BE?
A part which is completely connected to everything else existing, to all Universal Energies, to not only people in bodies here on our Earth, but also to rocks, plants, animals, stars, lifeforms without a body-structure? Having far more possibilities and bigger potential to BE in this Universal Energy and communicate with all Life forms, experience more and in different ways as what is called ‘normal’, what it can be to Live Life to the Fullest...
As ONE connected, because everything IS ENERGY and IS. As I AM...

Ever thought about that?
I did. I did and do for 51 years.

From the age of 5 I was conscious of ME, Me being part of ALL That IS, of I AM. 
Having my first conscious One-ness experience, standing on the street alone, no one around, just me and the big blue beautiful sky...a total grand Silence around and in me and a beautiful voice talking to me, filling me with Love, Trust, Safety, not being alone here on Earth, not having to be afraid of the life I was living and going to live here, someone already somewhere out there waiting for me and that ‘They’ would always BE with me to guide and protect me.
I was filled with an overwhelming feeling of Love, Inner Happiness and Peace. 
And not surprised at all.


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